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Das Zentrum für verfolgte Künste als außerschulischer Lernort, Foto © Alexandra Peter

The Center for Persecuted Arts as an extracurricular placeof learning

As an extracurricular place of learning, the Center for Persecuted Arts offers a diverse program for visits by school classes. The program combines several interfaces between museum, place of remembrance, and political education, as well as between the past, the present, and the future.

The permanent and special temporary exhibitions offer a variety of approaches for deepening and/or supplementing curricula in subjects such as German, art, politics, history, social sciences, and religion. Whether through guided tours, workshops, discussions, or the independent exploration of the exhibitions, the educational work is linked to the everyday lives of the students and actively involves them.

We are happy to assist teachers in preparing their classes for a visit to our museum and to customize the content of the visit. For example, you can book a one-hour tour that is designed as a dialogue, or a 1.5–3-hour tour that includes a hands-on component. It is also possible to accompany project days.

In addition, our program includes a variety of existing educational offers, primarily aimed at secondary schools from grade 8 and up. Please note that we require a lead time of at least 14 working days for the organization of school visits.

Contact us at:

Public & private Guided Tours

Führung durch die Wechselausstellung “... und laut zu sagen: Nein.” während der Solinger Kulturnacht 2023 © Daniela Tobias
Every Sunday public guided tours

Throughout the year, we welcome you to the museum for a variety of events. Every Sunday, the Center for Persecuted Arts offers public guided tours of the museum, its collections, and current temporary exhibitions. No reservations are required for the public tour. The tour is included in the price of admission. Meeting point is in the foyer near the ticket counter.

The current dates for public tours can be found on our events page (in german).

You are also welcome to request a private guided tour. Tours are scheduled to last one hour, but can be tailored to meet individual needs. We also offer guided tours in English and other languages.

Free public transport to the LVR museums

With the LVR Mobility Fund, school classes, kindergartens and daycare centers in the LVR region can use free public transportation to the LVR museums and partner museums in the LVR Cultural Heritage Network. Open all-day schools (OGS) can now also apply.

Cultural Scouts Bergisches Land

Das Zentrum für verfolgte Künste nimmt am Projekt KulturScouts Bergisches Land teil.

The Center for Persecuted Arts participates in the project Cultural Scouts Bergisches Land. Cultural Scouts are trackers who explore their cultural region and, along the way, uncover espionage, direct films, and become curators, among other things: Neither museum, nor stage, nor historical walls are safe from them! The Cultural Scouts have been on the trail of culture in East Westphalia-Lippe since 2010—and here in the Bergisches Land, 61 school classes are now on a discovery tour for the 9th time in the 2023-24 school year.


Marian Ruzamski, Selbstbildnis, Konzentrationslager Auschwitz, 1943 – 1944, Bleistift auf Papier, 25 × 20 cm, Staatliches Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau



Marian Ruzamski – Kunst der Erinnerung

Erste monografische Ausstellung Marian Ruzamskis außerhalb Polens

Das Zentrum für verfolgte Künste zeigt erstmals in Deutschland das gesamte Werk von Marian Ruzamski, der 1943 nach Auschwitz verschleppt wurde und später in Bergen-Belsen verstarb.

Lee Miller, 2. von rechts (Six female war correspondents who covered the U.S. Army in the European Theater during World War II in 1943; Foto: U.S. Army Official Photograph, Quelle: wikimedia commons)



„Ich würde lieber ein Foto machen als eines zu sein.“

Das Leben und Wirken von Lee Miller

Herzliche Einladung der Solinger SPD anlässlich des Internationalen Frauentages 2025 zu einem Vortrag über Leben und Werk von Lee Miller im Zentrum für verfolgte Künste.

Carl Rabus, Selbst in Spiegelscherbe, 1943, Öl auf Leinwand, Foto: Daniela Tobias © Bürgerstiftung für verfolgte Künste – Else-Lasker-Schüler-Zentrum – Kunstsammlung Gerhard Schneider



Öffentliche Sonntagsführung in der Dauerausstellung

Eine Entdeckungsreise durch unsere Sammlung

Im Zentrum für verfolgte Künste können Sie Künstler:innen entdecken, die über die letzten Jahrzehnte in Vergessenheit geraten sind.